Vitoria Humana Institute
Give with Love
Vitoria Humana Institute, located in the city of Vitoria de St. Antão, PE, Brazil, is a project that has been receiving support from Generous Hearts for over 30 years! It started as a private organization that took care of abandoned children but was not properly regulated. The Vitoria Humana Institute was founded in 2007, with the help of a group from Recife, PE. In order to carry on with its work and to meet the Public Ministry’s requirement, the institution needed proper legalization and a building upgrade. This was only possible due to donations made by Antonieta Lira Silva, founder of Generous Hearts of Canada, and other organizations, such as the DOROTHEA HAUS ROSS FOUNDATION of USA. This venture took two years to complete.
In 2009, the Vitoria Humana Institute established a partnership with the Brazilian Government, but since 2014, public resources have become scarce and were reduced by more than 50%. At this point, Generous Hearts was there again to help!
This Institution exists because of the generosity of friends that understand the problem that our children and teenagers face: they are victims of various forms of cruelty, abuse, abandonment, domestic violence, etc. Food, shelter and education make a huge difference in their lives.
A great challenge for the Institution has been the lack of necessary funds to keep it running and to provide the basic needs to these children and teenagers, who are illiterate when they arrive. We need funds for their professionalization and training. When they reach the age of 18, they should leave the institution.
Generous Hearts always says: “Give with love”.
Despite all difficulties, Vitoria Humana Institute and Generous Hearts want to promote and defend the Human Rights of Children and Teenagers. We are always willing to transform lives. We do not want children who have passed through our hands to return to the streets due to the lack of appropriate training. We want them to continue their lives with dignity.